Commercial Services

A clean, healthy, and attractive work environment pays dividends.  FiberCare cleaning and protection will assure that you’re getting maximum value out of your furnishing investment dollars.  We employ a variety of cleaning methods, including hot water/steam extraction, encapsulation/low moisture cleaning, and ultra-low moisture power-brush cleaning. We also strip, wax, and buff vinyl tile and hardwood flooring.

We can provide the necessary upgrades to your contract/building maintenance by offering a tailored program including some or all of these services, depending on your needs:

  • A customized assessment and maintenance plan for your facility, including high traffic/problem areas, spill removal, and any other specific requirements you may have.
  • Application of healthy, effective carpet and fabric protectors to maximize the cleanability and durability of all your office furnishings.
  • Regularly scheduled service inspections to remove spots and touch up traffic areas.
  • Emergency service for problems like coffee spills, messy delivery and service techs, and other headaches.
  • Our professional, in-depth understanding of fiber chemistry and construction, so you can make informed choices about what to buy and how to maintain it. We’re here to help!
  • We’ll accommodate your scheduling requirements to provide cleaning services without interrupting your work flow.

We use a variety of cleaning processes in order to achieve optimal results.

Cimex scrubbing with encapsulating detergent is an excellent option in situations where quick drying is needed. Steam extraction with an RX-20 rotary tool produces amazing results. A wand rinse means zero detergent residue. A final treatment with Fiber-Shield protector is a great investment.

Copyright 2017 FiberCare Inc.

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